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trying to make the most of

a Half acre in

suburban Michigan

If your backyard is a blank canvas, you're an artist waiting to create a masterpiece. Join me on a journey. Nestled in the heart of Michigan, this half-acre homestead is more than just soil and plants, it's a tapestry woven with history and passion. From being a hunting ground for the Sauk and Chippewa people to the site of a bustling farm, every inch of this land holds a story. Fast forward to today, and you'll find me embracing the sandy soil and nurturing it into a garden filled with life and love. Discovering an ancient arrowhead? Just another day unraveling the secrets of this land. From seeds to wild plants, domestic and wild animals to the tools of the trade, this homestead is a haven for all things green and growing. Join me as I explore the transformation of this half-acre, a journey of sustainable living and deep appreciation for the land. Every garden has a story—what's yours?




domestic plants




Wild Plants


Domestic and wild animals in and around my yard


Tools, products,


and more


This is where I live.

The Mitton, Michigan's lower peninsula would naturally be covered in forests and fields, lakes and streams.  It generally ranges between climate zones 5 and 6; my location is a solid 6a maybe even 6b and there are certainly warmer micro-climates in and around my house.

I love geography and history and there's a lot to learn about this area. Filled with lakes and creeks, animals are abundant. In the past the Sauk and Chippewa people were in this area, an important hunting ground. I found a native arrowhead while digging deep in the side of the yard a few years ago, testament to their activity. Later on this was a large farm and my house sits on the location of the old barn. I commonly contend with stone walls underground that were once animals pens.

Much of this part of Michigan has heavy clay soil, nutrient rich but dense, but my yard is naturally very sandy, probably because of its proximity to the many lakes nearby.

I'm learning the personality of the land and finding that it's capable of growing many things. My fun task is learning how to live with this land and grow things here successfully.

My Half-Acre Homestead in 1955 and again in 2024. In 1955 two barns sat where the current house and lot are now, one in the exact location of the current house.

"God Almighty first planted a garden. And indeed, it is the purest of human pleasures."

Francis Bacon

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